Church Diary
The week ahead...
Sunday 26th
- 10.10 - Prayer in the Deacon's Room
- 10.30 - Morning Service. Alpha Course session 3 in the Gale Room
- 3.00 - Kintsugi Hope Course in the Gale Room
- 6.00 - Youth Leaders Training in Foyer
Monday 27th
- 11.00 - Monday club in the Gale Room
Tuesday 28th
- 9.30 - Babies & Toddler in the Gale Room
- 11.00 - Men's Cafe in the Foyer
Wednesday 29th
- 2.00 - Well-being group in the Gale Room
Thursday 30th
- 2.00 - Springfield Flower Arrangers in the Gale Room
Sunday 2nd
- 10.10 - Prayer in the Deacon's Room
- 10.30 - Morning Service. Alpha Course session 4 in the Church Hall
- 3.00 - Kintsugi Hope Course in the Gale Room
- 3.00 - Oasis Group in Church Hall
- 6.00 - Youth in Foyer
When is the next....?
Sunday 2nd February at 1030
Prayer Meeting
Monday 3rd February at 07:00am
Wednesday Xth February at 07:30pm
Members Meeting
Wednesday 19th February at 07:30pm
Echo Christian Motown Band @ UBC
Fri 7th Feb 07:30pm
Echo are coming to UBC for a concert in aid of the Stand By Me Romania mission trip. Come and listen to your favourite classic songs with a gospel edge. Invite your friends for an excellent evening of music, dance, and Gospel. £5 per person payable on the door.