What do we believe?

Rooted in Jesus, living with purpose.

Faith is a journey, and we’re here to walk it with you. Whether you’re just beginning to ask questions or looking to deepen your understanding, Upminster Baptist Church is a place where you can explore, discover, and grow in faith at your own pace.

What is Faith?

Faith is about trusting in something greater than ourselves—believing that there is a God who loves us, created us, and has a purpose for our lives. For Christians, faith is centered on Jesus Christ, who came to show us who God is and how much He cares for us. Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus offers us forgiveness, hope, and a new way of living.

Ask Questions

You don’t have to have it all figured out to explore faith. In fact, asking questions is a vital part of the journey. Who is God? Why does suffering exist? What does Jesus have to do with me? These are just some of the big questions we encourage you to bring. At Upminster Baptist Church, we create a safe space where no question is too big or too small.

Alpha Course

One of the best ways to explore faith is through the Alpha Course, a series of sessions designed for anyone curious about life’s biggest questions. It’s a relaxed and informal environment where you can hear about the basics of Christianity, share your thoughts, and discuss your questions freely. No pressure, no obligation—just an opportunity to explore.

Worship With Us

Sometimes, the best way to explore faith is simply to experience it. Our Sunday services are open to everyone, no matter where you’re coming from or what you believe. Join us for a time of worship, community, and teaching, and see what it’s all about.

Find Community

Faith is not a solo journey; it’s something we share and grow in together. Through our Growth Groups, prayer meetings, and other church activities, you can connect with others who are also exploring faith or have walked the path before you. These groups provide a space to ask questions, build friendships, and explore the Bible in a relaxed and supportive environment.

What We Believe

At the heart of Christianity is the belief that God loves us deeply and created us to know Him and live in relationship with Him. This relationship was broken because of human sin—our tendency to turn away from God and live for ourselves. Sin separates us from God and brings brokenness into our lives and the world around us. But God, in His incredible love and mercy, didn’t leave us in that place.

Jesus Christ is the center of our faith. We believe that He is God’s Son, who came to earth to show us who God is and to make a way for us to be reconciled with Him. Jesus lived a perfect life, showing us how to love God and one another. He willingly gave His life, dying on the cross to take the punishment for our sins. Through His death, Jesus paid the price for our wrongdoing and made it possible for us to receive forgiveness.

But the story didn’t end there. We believe that three days after His death, Jesus rose from the dead, defeating sin and death forever. His resurrection is the foundation of our hope—it shows us that God’s love is stronger than anything, even death. It also promises us that we, too, can have new life through faith in Him.

Faith in Jesus isn’t about following a list of rules or trying to earn God’s favor. It’s about trusting in what Jesus has already done for us and choosing to follow Him as the Lord of our lives. When we do, we experience a restored relationship with God, where we can know Him personally and receive His guidance, comfort, and love.

This relationship transforms us from the inside out. It brings hope, peace, and purpose to our daily lives. It also changes the way we see others, calling us to live with compassion, generosity, and a commitment to justice. And this new life isn’t just for now—it’s a promise that extends into eternity. Through faith in Jesus, we are given the gift of eternal life with God.

As a Baptist church, we emphasize believer’s baptism as a public declaration of this faith in Jesus. It symbolizes the new life we have in Him—a life marked by forgiveness, transformation, and the hope of eternal life. While we hold to the Baptist tradition, we are part of the larger Christian family, united by the shared belief that Jesus is Lord and Savior.

We invite you to explore these truths for yourself, to ask questions, and to discover the hope and joy that comes from knowing Jesus personally.

Take the Next Step

Exploring faith is about taking one step at a time. Whether it’s attending a service, joining Alpha, reading the Bible, or having a conversation with someone who can guide you, there’s a next step for everyone. Wherever you are in your journey, we’d love to help you take that step.

Faith is a journey worth exploring. Why not start today? Reach out to us with your questions, come along to a Sunday service, or join one of our groups. We’re here to walk with you as you discover the hope, purpose, and joy that comes with knowing Jesus.