
Your generosity helps us grow, serve, and make a difference.

Upminster Baptist Church (UBC) is primarily funded through financial donations from those who attend.

Many thanks to all who generously give to support our church - we could not do this without you.

If you'd like to contribute, there are various ways of doing so:

  • Standing Order or Direct Bank Transfer
  • Cash or card machine at the church
  • Donation through your employer, via Give As You Earn (GAYE)
  • Donation via PayPal

Gift Aid Questionnaire and Gift Aid Form

If you donate via Standing Order, Bank Transfer, or Paypal - please consider registering your donation for Gift Aid. If your donation is eligible for Gift Aid, it allows UBC to claim a further 25% of the value of your gift from the government (HMRC).

Click here to download the Gift Aid Questionnaire and Gift Aid Form.

If you donate to us, please do fill in the Gift Aid Questionnaire. It tells us whether or not your donations are eligible for Gift Aid. Please do fill this in even if you're not eligible; it will let us know not to bother you with a Gift Aid Form.

Please complete and return to the Church Office.

Standing Order or Direct Bank Transfer

Our preference is to receive money directly into UBC's bank account.

You can set up a regular Standing Order such that you donate the same amount every month or week. Alternatively, you can do this as a one-off Bank Transfer, whenever you'd like to.

To set this up, you will need is UBC's sort code and account number.

  • Account name: Upminster Baptist Church
  • Bank: Barclays
  • Sort code: 20-72-xx
  • Account number: 4002xxxx

Please email our office to ask for the full sort code and account numbers.

You can then ask your bank to set up a one-off bank transfer or regular standing order. If you administer your bank account using online banking on the Internet, you can usually do these yourself online.

Cash or Card Machine in Church

A traditional collection plate is located at the back of the church, underneath the Bibles.

A contactless card machine is located in the foyer after church services. It is set to collect a fixed donation of £10.

Give As You Earn (GAYE) via your employer

Some employers offer the ability to give money regularly, directly from your salary.

Often, this is taken from your pre-tax salary. This means that you lose less from your post-tax salary than your chosen charity gains.

For example:

If you are a basic rate taxpayer, and you donate £10 pre-tax via GAYE, then the effect on your take-home pay is that you receive £8 less (20%). So to benefit UBC by £10, you effectively only need donate £8.

If you are a higher rate taxpayer, and you donate £10 pre-tax, then the effect on your take-home pay is that you receive £6 less (40%). So to benefit UBC by £10, you effectively only need donate £6. Thus enabling you to donate more :-)

Note that GAYE donations are not normally eligible for Gift Aid.

UBC is already registered as a charity with several schemes that offer GAYE. If your employer (who sets up your GAYE donation) cannot find Upminster Baptist Church as a charity, please get in touch with our church office -

If you do give via GAYE, feel free to let us know - so we can confirm to you that your donations are definitely arriving with UBC, for your own peace of mind.

PayPal Donations

PayPal donations can be thought of as the online equivalent to the collection bag during services.  It's ideal for ad-hoc donations. You don't even need a PayPal account to do this - just a debit or credit card.

Please see the Paypal link at the bottom of this page.

It does attract a small fee from PayPal (20p plus 1.4% of your donation) so our preference is for a standing order or direct bank transfer... but if you'd prefer not to set those up, a PayPal donation is a quick and easy way of contributing to UBC.